Amira is committed to a high level of accessibility.

In keeping with our mission to help every student become a motivated and masterful reader, we are making continuous improvements across Amira in accordance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

If you have feedback on Amira’s accessibility, please email us at

1:1 Tutoring

Amira understands the needs of every student and provides them with targeted, tailored and adaptive tutoring that’s science backed and proven to work.

Read to Me Feature

Amira supports a read to me feature, which highlights and reads the text of an article aloud. In this mode, a student does not need to be able to see the text on the screen. Amira will unfold the story or article phrase by phrase, reading to the student.

Read To Me is supported on all web browsers and environments generally supported by Amira.

Additional Accessibility Features

Amira is also compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in the following ways:
The student experience in the Amira app is navigable with a keyboard.
Colors on the homepage and read page meet color contrast standards
Fonts are appropriate for accessibility
Sole reliance on images and media is minimized
Interactive elements like buttons, links and menus are labeled with the name of the element.
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